Thursday, November 21, 2013

C4K Summary for November

This month, I had the pleasure in reading a group blog, by Mata and Tyrese, and another by Emmy. All three are relatively new to the school environment and blogging, but seemed eager to tell the world about what they had learned.

Emmy@Pt England School
Today My group and I did an photo activity. As a team we worked together to match the pictures about farm's. We did this so it can help us with our learning and our animation's. It helped us learn where these thing come from. For e.g: Where does milk come from? Milk comes from a cow and the milk gets taken to a milk factory then the people at the factory perdue nice fresh milk. Then the milk man comes and takes the milk to super markets and shops, then people buy it and take it home for breakfast. And that's what we learned about.

My Comment:
Hello Emmy. I attend the University of South Alabama in the United States and like you, I also blog in my class, EDM 310.
First, I want to tell you how great you write. For six, you really impressed me a great deal.
Second, your collaborative activity was a very important concept. We all need to know where our food comes from. When we do, we can make better choices at our supermarkets. We want milk from happy, free grazing cows, not penned up and fed antibiotics with bad diets cow's milk, right?
Bottom line, great job all around! Keep up the great work!

Twin Towers

Tyrese and I made a tower using lots of different colours and shapes. (Dictated to the teacher ) By Mata and Tyrese

My Comment:
Hello! I am a student at the University of South Alabama in the United States and like you, I do blogging in my class, EDM 310.
I thought the two of you did such a wonderful job collaborating your task together and completing such a wonderfully colorful set of towers.
Did you enjoy building these towers?
What were your favorite colors to use?
Great job!

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