While we don't have this....
and we don't have this........
We do have.....
And that is the internet. A network of information that can guide anyone to a plethora of knowledge, communication and visual stimulation. So, with all that data, what should a teacher do? Well, for me, becoming a social studies teacher, I have found several spots on the web that I will most likely use in my teaching future.
The first is The Center for Teaching History with Technology. This site has so many links to items that are specifically designed to aid teaching history, I found it nearly impossible to find an era or specific event not included. From lessons and activities, to presentations and multimedia, as well as assessment and rubrics to use. Everything a starting teacher could go and get a proper foundation for the yearly, weekly and daily planner. This should prove to be a great starting place for my teaching career.
Next up is Diigo This is more a google chrome for your specific needs. With such special additions like the ability to highlight, add sticky notes, and an easy sharing network, this sight is perfect for History. History is so reading based that having these specialties would come in handy for sure.
Lastly, I wanted to mention somethings that I found very interesting if my classes have the ability to use Ipads. poll everywhere and Qwizdom First, poll everywhere seems perfect for nameless and faceless polling. This can be useful for projects, presentations, readings and written assignments. By letting the kids poll on everyone without fear, hopefully real feedback can be achieved from their peers. The second is Qwizdom which, by using there Ipads, we could have realtime testing, quizzes, or history based knowledge games. This creates a 100 percent participation scenario that every teacher looks for.
In the end, I will use whatever I can to make the best, most fun, most creative, clever, engaging environment for my students to learn I possibly can. So, whatever it is, be it with technology, old school classic methods or anything in between, I will look for it, research it and use that approach. I am a teacher, so that makes me the most active learner out there. I am here for my students and whatever effort I put in will only give back to my kids ten fold. So, if you are an educator now or in the future, give me a high five and let's make it happen!
Good choices. History has been slow to respond. Glad to learn of the center. Also Quizdom. Diigo may have some advantages over Delicious.