Pick a historical event and tell how you would teach it if you were in a 1970's classroom. Then, explain how you would teach about that same event in todays classroom environment. Finally, explain which era would give the students the most benefit in learning and understanding the event.
So, going back in time and I need to teach about the Battle of Waterloo and the final fall of Napoleon. Obviously, I would of had the class read about the event ahead of time. Now, I would ask, "What was Napoleon's fatal mistake that led to his defeat?"
I would listen to different answers, ask a few others and finally I would go to the chalkboard. At the chalkboard I would draw the battle and troop movements. I would then split the room into groups of four and ask them to draw on paper another maneuver that may of helped the end result. They would turn the papers in as they left class.
My final part for the day would be homework. I would tell them to parallel Napoleon's rise to power and fall, to that of anyone else in history. They would need to write their how and why, followed by their conclusion and turn it in the following week.
So, my classroom in present day. Same topic, same questions, but the difference is implementation.
I would still ask them to read about the event. However, the following day, we would watch a brief reenactment video about the battle. Then, using my smartboard, I would bring up though the internet the armies movements and visual assault from every front. Then, when they split up onto the groups, each group, when done, would draw on the smartboard and show Napoleon's new maneuvers. The class would agree or disagree with each group and lastly vote as to the best military tactic that might of helped Napoleon. The homework would be the same as my "70's" class, but they would put it in their History class blog.
In the end, we can easily see how technology gives amazing visual aid. Also, it allows a greater interaction with groups and for me too when using the smartboard. Lastly, the blog is easier to grade as well as allowing other students to experience what others believe. Technology in the classroom, bottom line, only enhances and enriches everything that a 70's classroom could offer.
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